Grader Project [Team Node] Matt Bleifer Grant Campanelli Michael Murphy Mike Ryu Grant Plaster Philip Beauchamp ----- Description On Compiling ----- Prior to compiling and running the prototype, you may copy the source directory (.../grader/prototype/src/) to a preferred location. Once ready, Navigate (cd) to src directory and enter: javac *.java The following warning may appear, but you may ignore it: Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. Other than the warning, the complication should have finished without an error. You can launch the prototype with the following: java GraderAppMain ----- How to get to each members UI elements ----- Team Member Actions ====================================================================== Matt Bleifer Select ‘Assignment in the menubar Select the ‘New Assignment’ item Select ‘Assignment in the menubar Select the ‘New Category’ item Right click a category heading in the main UI Select the ‘Edit Category’ item Right click a category heading in the main UI Select the ‘Delete Category’ item Right click an assignment heading in the main UI Select the ‘Modify Assignment’ item Grant Campanelli Select ‘Student’ on the menubar Select ‘Assignment’ on the menubar Select ‘Graph’ on the menubar Select ‘Help’ on the menubar Select ‘Help’ on the menubar, then click ‘About’ Mike Ryu Top-level file menu is visible on application launch. Click on any one of them to see the populated menu items for each menu. Quick Menu Bar is visible on application launch. Gradebook table is visible with sample entry on application launch. Double-click on student’s grade to change the grade (or any cell - in this prototype, all cells are editable). Right-click on any one of the categories (‘Project’ or ‘Test’) to see the context menu for Categories. Right-click on any one of the Assignments (‘Capstone’ or ‘Final Exam’) to see the context menu for Assignments. Right-click on any one of the students’ name or EMPL ID to see the context menu for students. Grant Plaster Select ‘Student’ in the menubar Select the ‘New Student’ item Select ‘Student’ in the menubar Select the ‘Manage Students’ item Select ‘Student’ in the menubar Select the ‘Delete Student’ item Select ‘Class’ in the menubar Select the ‘New Class’ item Select ‘Edit’ in the menubar Select the ‘Filter’ item Philip Beauchamp Select ‘File’ in the menubar Select the ‘Commit Final Grades’ Select ‘File’ in the menubar Select ‘Edit’ in the menubar Select ‘Class’ in the menubar Right click an assignment heading in the main UI Select the ‘Delete Assignment’ item