1.4. Impacts

The potential positive impacts of the Grader Tool as a functioning system are increased convenience and efficiency in managing student grades. The tool allows for easy control of entering in weighted student grades to a spreadsheet with a curve. Notable features that will enhance the use of the Grader Tool include

  1. Professors can use the Grader Tool to easily modify the class grade curve graphically;

  2. students can see their grade progression and can predict what grades they need to achieve the desired resulting grade in a class.

Potential negative impacts include issues of privacy, reliability, and data integrity. If the system implementation is flawed, it may reveal private information that students do not wish to be revealed, such as individual student names or grades. For legal reasons, student names are not displayed, however it may be an issue of privacy to display other information for individual students, such as student ID numbers or individual assignment grades. Even with anonymous names, students can potentially see the progress of other students' grades and pinpoint the progress of another student, which may not be desirable for students.

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