1.5.1. PolyLearn
PolyLearn is a web based classroom management software, used by California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. It is developed on top of
an open source platform called Moodle. PolyLearn provides functionality for
teachers to post links and information to students, open up forums for
dialogue, administer quizzes, collect assignments, and post grades.
Overall, PolyLearn provides a fair amount of functionality,
however it lacks in features regarding its grading platform.
Good Features:
additional functionality on top of just grades
ability to subdivide grades into different sections
an all-in-one platform for teachers to manage their classes
Bad Features:
file size limits
teachers rarely choose to use the grading functionality
grades lack in statistical information
forums default to sending emails to all students for every action
performed on that forum
poor formatting on the feedback portion of the grading system
not very mobile friendly
Missing Features:
ability for students to browse historical grade trends
ability for students to ask "what if" questions about their grades
unrestricted subdivision of grading categories
graphical input for grade adjustment
full featured statistics about grades for all assignments
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