2.7.3. Electronic Submission

To submit an assignment, the user chooses the 'Assignment' menu command. A list of file options will appear and the user chooses 'Submit Assignment' from the list of items to submit an assignment; this will take the form of the following, Figure 1.

Figure 1: Submit Assignment path.

Figure 2 shows the response to the users selection of the 'Assignment Submit Assignment' command. The figure shows a dialog box for submitting an assignment. The dialog box only takes in a submission name in a text box, and an input box for the assignment to submit to. The choose file button pulls up the user's explorer/finder tool to select a file on their local system. the user confirms with the 'Submit Assignment' button below. Confirming the category creates a new category in the spreadsheet.

Figure 2: Submit Assignment dialog.

When the user selects the 'Submit Assignment' button, the system displays a confirmation window as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Submission Successful

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