2.12. Error Conditions

The aim of the Test Tool is to have a robust and secure user interface that handles error conditions in intuitive ways for the user. In previous sections of this requirements document it has been described how the Test Tool handles error conditions, and the generic dialog for displaying error messages to users is seen in Figure 2.12.1.

Figure 2.12.1: Generic error dialog for the Test Tool.

As can be seen in Figure 2.12.1, the generic error dialog contains placeholders for informative text regarding the generated error. An example of what the dialog looks like when an error has ocurred from adding a user with an invalid user Id can be seen in figure 2.12.2.

Figure 2.12.2: Error dialog from trying to add a user with an invalid user Id.

In case of emergency, if the Test Tool can not identify what caused an error, the very basic apology seen in Figure 2.12.3 is displayed on the screen for the user.

Figure 2.12.3: Fallback error dialog when error is unknown

This is a graphical user interface that is currently in working progress, and as so it is subject to change. In the prototyping elements from the Windows XP interface has been used, but the end product will be platform independent.

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