1.1. Problem Statement

The goal of the Test Tool Project is to address the issues of:

  1. Lack of ability to create coding type questions

  2. No tools to automatically generate tests with specific criterias for each question

  3. Teachers are unable to add questions into a database with the specific criterias associated with each question

While many tools may have the ability to generate multiple choice, true or false, or fill-in-the-blank questions, our tools will go beyond that. Our goal is to develop tools that can:

  1. Automatically generate tests with specific criterias for each question

  2. Allow teachers to dictate the difficulty of each question, the amount of time each question will take, the type of question, when the question was last used, and other options

  3. Allow teachers to ask coding questions and grade them

  4. Effectively administer the test in the way the teacher sees fit (closed book, partially closed, open everything)

This tool is meant to fulfill the specific needs of a professor, who requires the tool's specific functionalities mentioned above. We will build off the good ideas of existing products while adding these important functionalities requested by the customer.

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