package create; import java.util.Collection; import questions.Question; /* * Automatically Generate Test */ public abstract class GenerateTest { TestSettingView tsettings; Collection questions; HistoryView tests; /** <<<<<<< HEAD pre: // TestSettingView settings is initialized tsettings != null; post: // Generates a Test with TestSettingView settings applied and store in History forall(Test test_other ; (tests.contains(test_other)) iff ======= pre: // TestSettingView settings is initialized settings != null ; post: // Generates a Test with TestSettingView settings applied and store in History createdTest.contains(Test generated) && forall(Test test_other ; (data'.contains(test_other)) iff >>>>>>> 436dfd0c13c8e2b5b2f1530a31b475a98f3f35b6 test_other.equals(test) || data.contains(test_other)); */ abstract void applySettingsToQuestion(); }