Inspection Test Week 5
2.1 User Interface Overview

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.1 MC 6feb15 DONE  
2.1P1 MC 6feb15 DONE  
2.1I1 MC 6feb15 FIX Grey out Username and Password
2.1P2 MC 6feb15 FIX awk. - "Figure 2 will be presented"; also different UI for Student login?
2.1I2 MC 6feb15 DONE  
2.1A1 MC 6feb15 FIX the anchor target is not found; check file existence
2.1A2 MC 6feb15 DONE  
2.1A3 MC 6feb15 DONE  
2.1A4 MC 6feb15 DONE  
2.1A5 MC 6feb15 DONE  
2.1P3 MC 6feb15 FIX Specify "user" (as Students can't access some buttons)
2.1P4 MC 6feb15 FIX Grammar - "and etc." => "etc." (omit "and")
2.1I3 MC 6feb15 DONE  
2.1P5 MC 6feb15 FIX Grammar - "access a different functionalities" (omit "a")