Inspection Test Week 6
2. Functional Requirements

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2 RL 17feb15 DONE  
2.1P1 RL 17feb15 FIX Grammar - "the primary functionalities the Test Tool are.."; "administering them" -> "administering tests"; there should be a comma in-between "tests" and "which"
2.1P2 RL 17feb15 DONE  
2.1A1 RL 17feb15 DONE  
2.1A2 RL 17feb15 FIX the anchor target is not found; check file existence
2.1A3 RL 17feb15 DONE  
2.1A4 RL 17feb15 DONE  
2.1A5 RL 17feb15 DONE  
2.1A6 RL 17feb15 DONE  
2.1P3 RL 17feb15 DONE