is a program that can be found on the internet and can be downloaded
by anyone for free. It has the features of a quiz based
application and is able to provide users with a short quizzes that
contains multiple choice and true/false questions. Quiz
creation can be done by the administrator and requires a password to
create and edit quizzes.
has been around for several years now and has a plain interface that
is ultimately unimpressive. Its ability to navigate questions
mid-quiz is a nice feature and the administrative abilities are
perfect for this application.
Covers the basic functionality
Bank of tests
Mark button to return to previous questions
Remaining time displayed on the screen
Remaining questions is displayed on the screen
A “Go To” button to switch between questions during a test
“Previous” and “Next” buttons allowed users to navigate questions even after answering all questions.
test completion a Score Report is provided that includes information
about the test that includes the students score, their scores by
section, and some information about the test that they just took.
Also gives the ability to print the Score Report
If time expires before student finishes the test, the Score Report does not always display
Score Report forces you to exit the program before taking another test
Although students enter personal info before taking a test, the program does not save a profile or email results to the student.
Had difficulty locating the administrative tools
Missing Features:
Bank of questions
More question formats besides multiple choice and short answer (T/F, fill-in, matching)