2.5 Student Testing View

This scenario illustrates what the students will see when they are taking the test.


Figure 38: Begin Test Prompt
This window will be seen before a student begins a test. It helps to ensure that a student does not accidently begin a real test instead of a practice test.

Figure 36: Student View with Sample Test

This window will be seen by students while they are taking the test.  To the right of the test taking area, there is a numbered list of the all the questions in the test as well as a symbol to determine if the student has provided an answer to each of these questions. The red X denotes a question that does not have an answer yet, and a green check mark to denote that a student has provided an answer for that questions. If a student clicks on one of these numbers, the test will immediately jump to that question in the test. There is also a scroll bar so that students will be able to scroll between questions on the test. There is also a time limit located in the bottom corner of the window that displays the amount of time the students have to complete the test. The types of questions displayed here are Multiple Choice for number 1, Fill in the Blank for question 2, and a True/False question on number 3.

Figure 37 : Filled in Multiple Choice Answers

This image displays the various question types with their answers filled in.

Figure 38 : Sample Short Answer Questions

Questions 4 and 5 of this sample test are both short answer questions that have a text box below each question where the student can fill in their answers. These questions will be graded by the teacher instead of automatically.

Figure 39 : Sample Programming Question

Question 6 is a sample programming question. Students will have opportunity to use whatever IDE is specified by the teacher to create, run, and compile their code. They will then submit their file(s) to the test and the teacher will manually grade their responses.

Figure 40 : Final Submission Window

This is the final window that will appear before a student submits their test. It has the 'Submit' option to continue with the test submittal, and the 'Cancel' option to cancel submission and return to the test. If there are any questions that the student failed to answer during the course of the test, this dialogue box will display those unanswered questions.

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