1.5.2. Gradekeeper
Gradekeeper is used in 4000 schools across the United States and provides an interface for educators to enter grades, curve assignments, assign seating, and much more. Gradekeeper separates its user interface into several different viewing windows such as gradebook, attendance, seating chart, and reports. Aside from basic functionality like adding students and assignments, some configurable options include the school year, grading policy, late policy, weighting, and attendence deduction. Gradekeeper is also built to connect with students; it provides the abilit to attach email information to students and send complete summary reports for the entire class.
Overall, Gradekeeper seems to be in touch with most modern requirements of a digital gradebook but lacks certain configuration and a modern aesthetic.
Good Features:
Cross-platform on Windows, Mac OS X and iOS
Basic grade-keeping functionality built-in like spreadsheets and weights
Importing and exporting to popular formats
Random ID generation for each student
Attendance integration with a dedicated area in the gradebook
Email students and assign their seating chart
Configurable late policies by day and by percentage
Emailable student reports in a single click
Bad Features:
Limited grading formats: letter, credit/no credit and OSU only
Only pre-existing scoring formats can be used
Curving is limited to a single assignment rather than the whole class
Missing Features:
Statistics such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, etc.
Sub-categories within the assignment categories
Student view for students to view their own grades and statistics
Grade prediction for students and educators
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