1.5.8. Moodle

Moodle is the grader utility currently in use by Cal Poly, having replaced Blackboard in 2012. Based on experience and other student testimony, it is powerful despite its relatively simple UI. Featuring many standard grading/classroom administration tools, such as a gradebook, bulletin updates, forum, &c., it is one of the current standards of online grading utilities for education. Among the many features it supplies is the ability to add plugins to courses at the instructor's choosing. Plugins include file and folder attachments for sharing and bulletins, activities for students, and various extra question types for online quizzes (multiple choice, true/false, &c.)

While Moodle boasts most features prominent in modern grading tools, its gradebook is lacking. The functionality is rather limited, serving only assignments and grades, and the interface is very simple but neither clean nor intuitive.

Good Features:

Bad Features:

Missing Features:

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