package curve; import java.util.*; import gradebook.*; import items.*; import people.*; /** * The Statistics class performs different math operations on the Scores of a certain Section. * * Derived from the requirements documentation regarding statistics; */ public abstract class Statistics { /** * Determines the maximum RawScore in the collection. Used in Spest. * @param collection Collection to determine the max RawScore * @return RawScore maximum raw score */ private Double max(List collection) { return maxHelper(collection, collection.get(0)); } private Double maxHelper(List collection, Double given) { if(collection.size() == 0) { return given; } else { if(given > collection.get(collection.size() - 1)) { return maxHelper(collection.subList(0, collection.size() - 1), given); } else { return maxHelper(collection.subList(0, collection.size() - 1), collection.get(0)); } } } /** * Determines the minimum RawScore in the collection. Used in Spest. * @param collection Collection to determine the min RawScore * @return RawScore minimum raw score */ private Double min(List collection) { return minHelper(collection, collection.get(0)); } private Double minHelper(List collection, Double given) { if(collection.size() == 0) { return given; } else { if(given < collection.get(collection.size() - 1)) { return minHelper(collection.subList(0, collection.size() - 1), given); } else { return minHelper(collection.subList(0, collection.size() - 1), collection.get(0)); } } } /** * Returns an List of RawScores based on Assignment and Sections. Used in Spest. * @param Assignment assignment of interest * @return List rawscores of all the students for this assignment */ private List getScores(Assignment assignment) { List toReturn = new ArrayList(); for(Section section : sections) { for(Student student : section.students) { toReturn.add(section.scores.getRawScore(student, assignment)); } } return toReturn; } /** * Context Section to apply these operations to. */ Collection
sections; /** * Calculates the average Score for the Assignment in the Section. * @param assignment assignment you wish to calculate the average for * @return Double representing the average *
	 	return =< max(getScores(assignment) && return >= min(getScores(assignment);
	abstract Double average(Assignment assignment);