package curve; import java.util.*; import gradebook.*; /** * The AbstractGraph class defines the necessary and commont components for both a Histogram and PieChart * * Derived from the requirements documentation regarding visuals. */ public abstract class AbstractGraph { /** * Section to which the visual will apply to. */ List
sections; /** * The List containing an entry for how many students have a particular score. * Written to by categorizeScores() */ List numScores; private static int countCollection(List collection) { if(collection.size() == 0) { return 0; } else { return collection.get(collection.size() - 1) + countCollection(collection.subList(0, collection.size() - 1)); } } private static int countStudents(List
sections) { int toReturn = 0; for(Section section : sections) { toReturn += section.students.size(); } return toReturn; } /** * Uses the Section to find the Scores necessary to draw the chart as well as categorizes them into numScores *
	 //Ensure that the numScores list is correct by summing the contents of the list and verifying that it is the
	 //same size as the number of students
	 	countCollection(numScores) == countStudents(sections);
	abstract public void categorizeScores();