Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.1 ANM 06feb15 DONE  
2.1P1 ANM 06feb15 DONE  
2.1P2 ANM 06feb15 DONE "Figure 1 shows the main screen for instructors" should not be new paragraph tag
2.1I1 ANM 06feb15 DONE Image is too small; hard to read
2.1P3 ANM 06feb15 DONE Needs a p tag at the top of this seciton, not the bottom.
2.1A1 ANM 06feb15 DONE
2.1.1 ANM 06feb15 DONE  
2.1.1P1 ANM 06feb15 DONE  
2.1.1I1 ANM 06feb15 DONE  
2.1.1P2 ANM 06feb15 DONE Inconsistent use of paragraph tags
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