Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4P1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4A1 TB 17feb15 DONE
2.4.1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.1I1 TB 17feb15 FIX Should be labeled "Figure 2.4.1a1"
2.4.1I2 TB 17feb15 FIX Should be labeled "Figure 2.4.1a2"
2.4.1I3 TB 17feb15 DONE
2.4.1P1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.1A1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.1P2 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.2 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.2I1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.2I2 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.2I3 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.2I4 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.2P1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.2A1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.2A2 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.3 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.3I1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.3I2 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.3I3 TB 17feb15 DONE Put photo on new line or extend drawn separator line
2.4.3P1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.3A1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.3A2 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.4 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.4I1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.4I2 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.4I3 TB 17feb15 DONE Put photo on new line or extend drawn separator line
2.4.4P1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.4A1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.4A2 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.5 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.5I1 TB 17feb15 FIX Figure name doesn't need the 'a' since it's the only one.
2.4.5P1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.6 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.6I1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.6I2 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.6I3 TB 17feb15 FIX Put photo on new line or extend drawn separator line
2.4.6P1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.6A1 TB 17feb15 DONE  
2.4.6A2 TB 17feb15 DONE  
. . . . . . . . . . . .