Component Inspector Date Status Remarkss
2.3.1P2 GD 11Mar15 FIX Consider rephrasing first sentence: "Adding a new student to the roster consists of..."
2.3.1P3 GD 11Mar15 FIX Fix typo: "will be replaced by at thumbnail"
2.3.1P5 GD 11Mar15 FIX Should say that middle name is optional, not first name
2.3.2 GD 11Mar15 FIX Title should be "Editing the Roster"
2.3.2P2 GD 11Mar15 FIX Close parenthesis for message "No students currently enrolled.
2.3.2P2 GD 11Mar15 FIX Clean up grammar in last sentence
2.3.2P3 GD 11Mar15 FIX Add colon before column list
2.3.2P6 GD 11Mar15 FIX Awkward phrasing: "grew smaller"
2.3.3I4 GD 11Mar15 FIX Figure should be 2.3.3d