List of Figures

List of Figures

Figure 2.1.1.a: Instructor View of Gradebook
Figure 2.1.2.a: Teacher Aid View of Gradebook
Figure 2.1.3.a: Student View of Gradebook
Figure 2.2.a: Basic Gradebook Set Up Start Page
Figure 2.2.b: Completed Basic Gradebook Set Up Start Page
Figure 2.2.c: Manual Gradebook Entry Class Time
Figure 2.2.d: Completed Manual Gradebook Entry Class Time
Figure 2.2.e: Basic Manual Gradebook Entry Class Roster
Figure 2.2.f: Completed Manual Gradebook Entry Class Roster
Figure 2.2.g: Basic Gradebook Set Up Grading Categories
Figure 2.2.h: Completed Basic Gradebook Set Up Grading Categories
Figure 2.2.i: Basic Gradebook Set Up Grading Categories Without Category Percentages
Figure 2.2.j: Basic Gradebook Set Up Grade Ranges
Figure 2.3.a: Manage Menu
Figure 2.3.b: Manage Students Screen
Figure 2.4.1.a: Adding an Item to the Gradebook
Figure 2.4.1.b: Adding an Item to the Gradebook(Filled In)
Figure 2.4.2.a: Deleting an Item
Figure 2.4.3.a: Adding a Category to the Gradebook
Figure 2.4.3.b: Adding a Category to the Gradebook(Filled In)
Figure 2.4.3.c: Adding a Category(Gradebook View)
Figure 2.4.4.a: Deleting a Category
Figure 2.5.1.a: Begining Item Explorer
Figure 2.5.1.b: Expanded Item Explorer
Figure 2.5.2: Statistics
Figure 2.5.3.a: Expanding Categories
Figure 2.5.3.b: Collapsing Categories
Figure 2.5.4.a: Sorting by Grade
Figure 2.5.4.b: Sorting by Name
Figure 2.6.a: Main Graph User Interface
Figure 2.6.b: Main Graph button disabled
Figure 2.6.1.a: Graph User Interface(Histogram)
Figure 2.6.1.b: Result of Changing Letter Grades(Histogram)
Figure 2.6.1.c: Result of Removing a Letter Grade(Histogram)
Figure 2.6.2.a: Graph User Interface(Pie Chart)
Figure 2.6.2.b: Result of Changing Letter Grades(Pie Chart)
Figure 2.6.2.c: Result of Removing a Letter Grade(Pie Chart)
Figure 2.6.3.a: Teacher Aid View
Figure 2.7.1.a: Initial Student View
Figure 2.7.2.a: Adding a Desired Final Grade
Figure 2.7.2.b: Estimating a grade
Figure 2.8.1.a: Authentication (Log in) Window
Figure 2.8.2.a: Server Set Up Window
Figure 2.8.3.a: File Menu
Figure 2.9.a: All Menus Figure 2.10.a: File and Edit Menues Figure 2.11.a: Example Error Message