1.5.4. ThinkWave
ThinkWave is an online grading service for teachers, students, and administrators.
It provides teachers with flexible grading options, detailed reports, the ability to upload assignments, or administer tests all online.
The service also provides students and their parents with access to grade and attendance history.
Good Features:
Intuitive interface: A full online demo of the service can be found at https://www.thinkwave.com/secure/dashboard/
Powerful and customizable reports
Import/Export of Data: The software lets you import and export data from MS Access, Excel, dBase, Paradox, FoxPro, HTML
Flexible grading options
Bad Features:
Students cannot predict grades without some manual calculations
Yearly or monthly subscription rather than one time fee
Columns not sortable
Missing Features:
No histograms or pie charts
No way to collapse all columns into just categories, have to look at each category
Assignments can’t be broken down into individual question grades
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