5.7. Lesson Database (LessonDB.rsl)
* LessonDB defines the major Lesson objects of the CSTutor application for use
* by other modules.
-- this file is not a Module. To compile our .rsl files properly. Do the following:
-- BE SURE that your .rsl file is not a Module, and remove all imports/exports.
-- at the command prompt then issue the following command:
-- rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles LessonDB.rsl ...duh
-- rsl Edit.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles Edit.rsl with LessonDB.rsl
-- rsl File.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles File.rsl with LessonDB.rsl
-- rsl View.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles View.rsl with LessonDB.rsl
-- rsl Admin.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles Admin.rsl with LessonDB.rsl
-- rsl Messaging.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles Messaging.rsl with LessonDB.rsl
-- rsl Authoring.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles Authoring.rsl with LessonDB.rsl
-- rsl Edit.rsl File.rsl LessonDB.rsl Admin.rsl View.rsl Messaging.rsl Authoring.rsl compiles ALL our stuff together.
-- once we can do this last execution in the command prompt with 0 errors. we can:
-- rsldoc Edit.rsl File.rsl LessonDB.rsl Admin.rsl View.rsl Messaging.rsl Authoring.rsl and get our rsldoc.
object LessonDB is
components: class_title:ClassTitle and Class*;
description: (*
A LessonDB is the underlying abstract object that contains all
created lessons and class hierarchy.
end LessonDB;
object ClassTitle is
components: string;
description: (*
A Classtitle is the string of class name
end ClassTitle;
object Class is
components: instructor:Instructor*;
description: (*
A class contains references to all instructors currently teaching the
end Class;
object Instructor is
components: title:InstructorTitle and section:Section*;
description: (*
An Instructor has sections that he/she is teaching.
end Instructor;
object InstructorTitle is
components: string;
description: (*
The InstructorTitle is the name of the an instructor.
end InstructorTitle;
object Section is
components: title:SectionTitle and lesson:Lesson*;
description: (*
A section contains a collection of Lessons.
end Section;
object SectionTitle is
components: string;
description: (*
A SectionTitle is the name of the sections made available by the Admin for
an instructor. They include: "01", "02", "03", "04","05" ... and "all".
end SectionTitle;
object Lesson is
components: info_node:InfoNode* and quiz_node:QuizNode* and properties:LessonProperties and
requires_saving:RequiresSaving and file:File and node_count:integer and node_limit:integer;
description: (*
A lesson contains nodes, and also the LessonInfo which is standard
information of a lesson: creator, date made, Title, bool fixed, bool
exploratory, section belong value.
end Lesson;
object LessonProperties is
components: author:Author and made:DateMade and title:LessonTitle and (fixed:FixedMode or
free:FreeMode) and section:SectionBelong;
description: (*
The perinent data fields for the information of a lesson. This info
should be displayed in a tooltip when the LessonExplorer has a
lesson moused over.
end LessonProperties;
object Author is
components: string;
description: (*
The name of an author. Eg. "John Doe".
end Author;
object DateMade is
components: string;
description: (*
DateMade is a string representation of a date. A default string of "no
date entered" is inserted into this field. Examples of user input are:
"10/02/02" "January 2, 2002" "03 January 02". The format and content of
the date is not checked by CSTutor.
end DateMade;
object LessonTitle is
components: string;
description: (*
The LessonTitle is the title of the current Lesson being created.
There is a default value of "no title given." entered by CSTutor so that
a lesson is 'complete' with little or no user input. The author may enter
any name for their lesson, however useful or not. Eg. "For Loops Lesson1"
or "a stupid lesson".
end LessonTitle;
object FixedMode is
components: boolean;
description: (*
The FixedMode boolean option allows an author to deem a lesson as fixed
enforcement of node links and order. This means that a user viewing the
lesson must view the lesson linearly from start to finish and
furthermore when in a quiz they cannot 'go back' during the quiz to
relearn material.
end FixedMode;
object FreeMode is
components: boolean;
description: (*
The FreeMode boolean option allows an author to deem a lesson as free
of enforcement of node links and order. This means a user viewing a
lesson can click on any node at any time and view its' content.
end FreeMode;
object SectionBelong is
components: integer* and string;
description: (*
The Section belong data defines the data values selectable by the
author to set which section they believe this lesson to be in.
options are either 01-06 or "all".
end SectionBelong;
object RequiresSaving is
components: boolean;
description: (*
The boolean flag RequiresSaving deems whether or not the Lesson requires
saving while creating a lesson. Doing any operation in the Editor that
alters the lesson content should throw this flag to true.
end RequiresSaving;
object Node is
components: properties:NodeProperties and nxt_node:NextNode and
prev_node:PrevNode and canvas:Canvas and item:NodeItem* and
bg:Background and item_count:integer and item_limit:integer;
description: (*
A Node is a base type used to make Authoring.rsl smaller. Using a "Node"
as a parameter (parent type) allows us to only define 1 operation for
say "addText" with input Node. As opposed to 2 operations "addText"
whose inputs would be 'infonode' and 'quiznode' respectabely.
A Node contains data describing itself, a reference to
the node before it, a reference to the node after it and
a collection of references to the item contained in it.
end Node;
object NodeProperties is
components: title:NodeTitle and summary:NodeSummary and pos:NodePosition;
description: (*
NodeSummary contains the current nodes title, a brief description of
the node and the nodes # in its place in the lesson. This data should
be shown when a node is moused over in the LessonExplorer node level.
end NodeProperties;
object NodeTitle is
components: string;
description: (*
The NodeTitle defines the string that allows the title of the node
being edited. By default "Node#".
end NodeTitle;
object NodeSummary is
components: string;
description: (*
The NodeSummary is a string which the author can edit to put a
useful description of the current node in. by default "no node
description entered".
end NodeSummary;
object NodePosition is
components: integer;
description: (*
The NodePosition of a node the nodes current position within the
lesson. This should only be viewable by the user and not editable.
The content of NodePosition is always a number between 1-max_node.
end NodePosition;
object NextNode is
components: integer;
description: (*
The next node field is not visible to the user, but every node
contains a reference to the node after and before it. This value
cannot reach (max_node + 1).
end NextNode;
object PrevNode is
components: integer;
description: (*
The prev node field is not visible to the user, but every node
contains a reference to the node after and before it. This value
cannot be 0.
end PrevNode;
object Canvas is
components: integer and integer and integer and integer;
description: (*
A Canvas is the editable/drawable area within a node (node editor
window). It's origin is the lower-left corner of the screen (0,0,0,0) to
infinity in the upper right hand corner of the window.
end Canvas;
object NodeItem is
components: region:Region and (text:Text or image:Image or
code:CodeSegment or oval:Oval or navlink:NavLink or
line:StraightLine or curve:CurveLine or rect:Rectangle);
description: (*
A NodeItem is any of the items above and its related region.
end NodeItem;
object Region inherits from Canvas is
components: (* none *);
description: (*
A Region is the (x1,y1,x2,y2) region of the given NodeItem.
end Region;
object Background is
components: color:Color or image:Image;
description: (* A background is either a Color or Image. by default Color
end Background;
-- the File object is in File.rsl it has the following components in File.rsl:
-- name:FileName and permissions:FilePermissions and file_type:FileType and data:FileData
object Image is
components: file:File;
description: (* An Image is essentially a file on the disk.
end Image;
object Text is
components: string and nfo:FontInfo;
description: (*
A region of Text is the string data and font information
of the text.
end Text;
-- yes, this is a *horrible* way to model an oval...i'm tired.
object Oval is
components: origin:Origin and r:Radius and w:Width;
description: (*
An oval contains information of its dimensions.
end Oval;
object Origin is
components: integer and integer;
description: (*
The origin is the center of the Oval. an (x,y) pair.
end Origin;
object Radius is integer;
object Width is integer;
object CodeSegment is
components: codebg:CodeBackground and codearea:CodeTextArea and runbtn:RunButton;
description: (*
A CodeSegment contains the unique background color (see further
below), the text area (java look...standard box) and the OS run
end CodeSegment;
object CodeBackground is
components: color:Color;
description: (* This object defines the background color that
is used (implicitally) within the Region that is the
codesegment. It should be a light grey color.
end CodeBackground;
object CodeTextArea is
components: string;
description: (*
This item is defined by the language/OS, and contains string.
end CodeTextArea;
object RunButton is
components: (* none *);
description: (*
The Run Button is defined by the system (CSTutor) and cannot
be altered by the user in any way. But the user must interact
with this button eventually.
end RunButton;
object NavLink is
components: (path:LinkPath and title:NodeTitle and btn:RunButton) or url:URL;
description: (*
A NavLink contains either a URL or a LinkPath to another
end NavLink;
object URL is
components: string;
description: (*
A URL is a string not checked by CSTutor.
end URL;
object StraightLine is
components: beginpt:BeginPoint and endpt:EndPoint and color:Color;
description: (*
A StraightLine is the data where it began and ended, and its
current color.
end StraightLine;
object BeginPoint is
components: x1:X1 and y1:Y1;
description: (*
The beggining point of the line is (x1, y1).
end BeginPoint;
object EndPoint is
components: x2:X2 and y2:Y2;
description: (*
The ending point of the line is (x2, y2).
end EndPoint;
-- these are essentially indivual coordinate values used by CSTutor.
object X1 is integer;
object Y1 is integer;
object X2 is integer;
object Y2 is integer;
object CurveLine inherits from StraightLine is
components: distorion:Distortion*;
description: (*
As per Tommy's section a CurveLine is essentially a straight line
that is tweaked has an added ability to be tweaked into a curved
line (Eg. click a pixel on the line and morph it around that point).
There can be more than one distortion per curveline.
end CurveLine;
object Distortion is
components: at:BeginPoint and morph_to:EndPoint;
description: (*
The distortion data needed by CSTutor to morph a straight line.
end Distortion;
object Rectangle is
components: upper_leftpt:BeginPoint and lower_rightpt:EndPoint and color:Color;
description: (*
A rectangle contains it region and its color.
end Rectangle;
object Color is
components: red:Red and green:Green and blue:Blue;
description: (*
A color is its Red, Green and Blue references.
end Color;
-- These colors are just numbers because they can be integer values,
-- or hex values.
object Red is
components: number;
description: (*
Red is the number for the amount of red in the current color.
end Red;
object Green is
components: number;
description: (*
Green is the number for the amount of green in the current color.
end Green;
object Blue is
components: number;
description: (*
Blue is the number for the amount of green in the current color.
end Blue;
object FontInfo is
components: ftype:FontType and fsize:FontSize and fstyle:FontStyle and fcolor:Color;
description: (*
The FontInfo is the data needed to edit font. Note that StyleOption
is an object of FontStyle with only 3 options available. These are the
options available to the enduser.
end FontInfo;
object FontType is
components: string;
description: (*
Any valid font name that is in the system can represent the font.
Eg. "Times New Roman" "Tempus Sans" "Sans Serriff"
end FontType;
object FontSize is
components: integer;
description: (*
The fontsize is an integer. Eg. 10 12 14 24.
end FontSize;
object FontStyle is
components: string;
description: (*
This object defines the kind of FontStyle the current text is. Options are
"Bold" "Italics" and "UnderLined".
end FontStyle;
object InfoNode inherits from Node is
components: (* none *);
description: (*
An InfoNode contains data describing itself, a reference to
the node before it, a reference to the node after it and
a collection of references to the items contained in it.
end InfoNode;
object QuizNode inherits from InfoNode is
components: table:ScoreTable and question:Question*;
description: (*
A quiz contains everything an InfoNode may contain, plus a score table
and question(s).
end QuizNode;
object ScoreTable is
components: style:GradingStyle and data:ScoreData*;
description: (*
A scoretable contains a percentage range to guide the user to some node
or the raw score range to do the same. For each logical range the
teacher sets up a SmartLink is associated with it, so that CSTutor can
try to draw the arrows linking back and forward in the lesson, based on
how well the student did on the quiz.
end ScoreTable;
object GradingStyle is
components: percentages:Percent or rawscores:RawScore;
description: (*
The grading style of the quiz is deemed by the author as either by
percent or by raw point value of the quiz.
end GradingStyle;
object Percent is
components: boolean;
description: (*
The Percent boolean choice allows an author to set the grading style to
evaluate the students score with the use of percentage values.
end Percent;
object RawScore is
components: boolean;
description: (*
The RawScore boolean choice allows an author to set the grading style to
evaluate the students score with raw point values used.
end RawScore;
object ScoreData is
components: min:MinValue and max:MaxValue and linknfo:LinkPath;
description: (*
The scoring data consists of a collection of minimum values and maximum
values that are beging represented as either raw points or as percentages.
Each of these values is associated to a LinkPath which is a reference to
a node, either in the current lesson or not.
end ScoringData;
object MinValue is
components: integer;
description: (*
The minimum range value of 1 scoredata object used by CSTutor to evaluate
where a student is directed upon their completion of a quiz.
end MinValue;
object MaxValue is
components: integer;
description: (*
The maximum range value of 1 scoredata object used by CSTutor to evaluate
where a student is directed upon their completion of a quiz.
end MaxValue;
object LinkPath is
components: path:ServerLessonPath and npos:NodePosition;
description: (*
A LinkPath is a serverlessonpath (string) and nodeposition (#).
end LinkPath;
object ServerLessonPath is
components: string;
description: (*
A server lesson path is a string to a server and dir.
Eg. "server1/CSTutor/CSC/101/gfisher/01/ForLoops.cst"
end ServerLessonPath;
object Question is
components: type:QuestionType and qtext:QuestionText and value:PointValue and
description: (*
A question is 1 of the accepted types and the text related to question.
end Question;
object QuestionType is
components: multiple_choice:MultiChoice or torf:TrueFalse or fillin:FillIn or code:Code;
description: (*
A questiontype is 1 of these 4 types.
end Question;
object MultiChoice is
components: choice:Choice* and correct_choice:CorrectChoice;
description: (*
A multipule choice question is a collection of choices (any amount) and
also the correct choice.
end MultiChoice;
object Choice is
components: num:ChoiceNumber and ans:string;
description: (*
A choice contains a reference to what choice it is (in english, "choice #1" or "choice #2" or
"choice #50"...uggg that'd suck for a student to have a question with so many
choices, but CSTutor can do it. It also contains the string that is the answer
associated with the choice radio button.
end Choice;
object ChoiceNumber is
components: integer;
description: (*
A choice number is a reference to what number the choice is.
end ChoiceNumber;
object CorrectChoice is
components: value:ChoiceNumber;
description: (*
A correct choice is merely a ChoiceNumber that has been defined by the user
(radio button has been clicked on) and exists. This is not simply an 'integer'
because an integer could be an undefined choice.
end CorrectChoice;
object TrueFalse is
components: boolean;
description: (*
A T/F question is boolean...duh.
end TrueFalse;
object FillIn is
components: string;
description: (*
A fill in question contains an answer that is a string. This string is
used by CSTutor for parsing out the right answer from the students
end FillIn;
object Code inherits from CodeSegment is
components: ans:string;
description: (*
The string of a Code question is the correct answer supposidely read from
from java.system.io() (standard output) from the students entered code
end Code;
object QuestionText is
components: string;
description: (*
The question text is a string.
end QuestionText;
object PointValue is
components: integer;
description: (*
The point value for a question is an integer.
end PointValue;
object QuestionNumber is
components: integer;
description: (*
A question # is the an integer. *IF* a quiz only contained question objects
then a quiz _could_ hold up to max_items number of questions for a student
to be tested on.
end QuestionNumber;
-- UserWorkSpace for other Modules if needed. I have defined evertying I need for
object UserWorkSpace is
components: uid:UserID and lesson:Lesson and
previous_state:PreviousState and clipboard:Clipboard and
selection:Selection and context:SelectionContext and controlling:IsInControl;
description: (*
The UserWorkSpace contains the active lesson upon which the
author/student is working. The first component is the UserId of the
current user, which is used as necessary by operations that input the workspace to
determine who the user is(such as Save). The Lesson component is the
active lesson. The previous_state component is used to support one
level of command undo. The Clipboard is used with the Edit cut, copy,
and paste operations. IsInControl is used by Messaging.rsl (remote
assistance) to monitor if a user is remotely engaged at the moment.
end UserWorkSpace;
object PreviousState is
components: lesson:Lesson;
description: (*
The previous state of the current lesson is the lesson prior to
the current modification.
end PreviousState;