5.2. View (View.rsl)

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 * Module View defines the objects and operations related to viewing
 * a Tutorial in the CSTutor application.

module View;

(*  from CalendarDB import CalendarDB;
  export Event; *)

  object LessonExplorer is
    components: Level*;
    description: (*
        A lesson explorer contains Levels.
  end LessonExplorer;

  object Level is
    components: Department* and Course* and Instructor* and Section* and LessonLink*;
    description: (*
        A level is one of the levels of browsing for tutorial in CSTutor.
  end Level;

  object Department is string;
  object Course     is integer;
  object Instructor is string;
  object Section    is integer;
  object LessonLink is string;

  operation UpLevel is
    inputs: LessonExplorer, CurrentLevel;
    outputs: LessonExplorer, PrevLevel;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*

  end UpLevel;

  operation DownLevel is
    inputs: LessonExplorer, CurrentLevel;
    outputs: LessonExplorer, NextLevel;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*

  end DownLevel;

  operation viewRoadmap is
    inputs: Lesson, WindowView;
    outputs: Lesson, RoadView;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*

  end drawLine;

  operation viewNextNode is
    inputs: Lesson, Window;
    outputs: Lesson, NextNodeView;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*

  end viewNextNode;

end View;

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