-- this file is not a Module. To compile our .rsl files properly. Do the following: -- BE SURE that your .rsl file is not a Module, and remove all imports/exports. -- at the command prompt then issue the following command: -- -- rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles LessonDB.rsl ...duh -- rsl Edit.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles Edit.rsl with LessonDB.rsl -- rsl File.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles File.rsl with LessonDB.rsl -- rsl View.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles View.rsl with LessonDB.rsl -- rsl Admin.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles Admin.rsl with LessonDB.rsl -- rsl Messaging.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles Messaging.rsl with LessonDB.rsl -- rsl Authoring.rsl LessonDB.rsl compiles Authoring.rsl with LessonDB.rsl -- -- -- rsl Edit.rsl File.rsl LessonDB.rsl Admin.rsl View.rsl Messaging.rsl Authoring.rsl compiles ALL our stuff together. -- once we can do this last execution in the command prompt with 0 errors. we can: -- rsldoc Edit.rsl File.rsl LessonDB.rsl Admin.rsl View.rsl Messaging.rsl Authoring.rsl and get our rsldoc.