Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.1 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.1P1 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.1I1 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.1P2 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.1I2 TST 31Oct02 FIX Update image to current expanded menus. Image not in folder
2.1P3 TST 31Oct02 FIX "tutorial" is the whole session while "lesson" are part of a tutorial. DISCUSS WITH PROF FISHER ABOUT if we can be working on multiple tutorials at once.
2.1P4 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.1P5 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.1P6 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.1P7 TST 31Oct02 DONE datum is a point, line, or surface used as a reference. Basically in our case datum is a selection that we want to cut
2.1P8 TST 31Oct02 DONE search looks for match in all open tutorial inside the application
2.1P9 TST 31Oct02 DONE Necesssary corrections made
2.1P10 TST 31Oct02 DONE Necessary corrections made
2.1P11 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.1P12 TST 31Oct02 FIX check references to current menus.