Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.6 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.6P1 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.6P2 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.6P3 TST 31Oct02 FIX Chat room opens up when the courses/lesson is open?? Do we need to open it explicitly
2.6I1 TST 31Oct02 FIX THIS MESSAGE IS TRUE FOR ALL IMAGES -- Does the figure number correspond to the page or the whole document
2.6P4 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.6I2 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.6I3 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.6P5 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.6I4 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.6P6 TST 31Oct02 DONE 'private' was changed to'whipser'
2.6I5 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.6I6 TST 31Oct02 DONE
2.6P7 TST 31Oct02 DONE