3. Non-functional requirements

In addition to the functionality described in Section 2, the CSTutor has several other operational characteristics which are not related to the functionality. These are covered in the following subsections:

3.1. System Performance

Any operation that requires an active network connection is directly affected by network constraints. These operations include the uploading and downloading of tutorials and quiz submissions. Network constraints are beyond the control of the CSTutor application and therefore runtime results of these operations may vary.

Other CSTutor functionality should be effectively instantaneous. Only when pages per tutorial exceed an order of 100's and tutorials in the database exceed an order of 100's of thousands are non-network related operations affected by slower than instantaneous runtime.

As stated above, pages should remain on order of 100's of pages per tutorial. Also tutorials should remain on order of 100's of thousands in the CSTutor Database. Numbers in excess of these can be signs of corrupt or inefficient use of the CSTutor.

3.2. Qualitative System Characteristics

Data will be secure and private to the maximum extent it makes sense to have it. Quiz scores will be stored safely, and they will not be visible to other students. Also, student information will also be held private, and will not be visible to other students.

The tool overall is about average in simplicity vs. power. It has a good number of features for people that know what they are doing, such as raw html editing, but it is also very simple to use for basic tasks.

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