Requirements inspection testing, DesigningSlides.html 

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.4P1STM 29oct04 FixInstead of slide, we use the term "Page"
2.4I1STM 29oct04 FixThe user interface has been updated since this screenshot
2.4P2STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.4P3STM 29oct04 FixHave we decided about the ruler?  Also, line spacing, bullets, and font color are not currently a part of the user interface (but we should consider adding them)
2.4P4STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.4I2STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.4P5STM 29oct04 FixPer your notes:  "MAKE THIS A LINK"
2.4I3STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.4P6STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.4I4STM 29oct04 FixTake screenshot with Windows Classic Theme
2.4P7STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.4I5STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.4P8STM 29oct04 FixPer your notes:  "MAKE THIS A LINK"
2.4P9STM 29oct04 FixMake your reference to section 2.3 a link
2.4I6STM 29oct04 FixTake screenshot with Windows Classic Theme
2.4 FooterSTM 29oct04 FixAdd prev, next, up, top links
