Requirements inspection testing, RemoteDesktop.html 

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.5.2STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.5.2P1STM 29oct04 FixAny changes made to the menu layout need to be represented in the UI overview
2.5.2I1STM 29oct04 FixTake screenshot with Windows Classic Theme
2.5.2P2STM 29oct04 Fix"whos" should be whose
2.5.2I2STM 29oct04 FixTake screenshot with Windows Classic Theme
2.5.2P3STM 29oct04 Fix"preceeded", "preforms", "controled" should be preceded, performs and controlled
2.5.2 FooterSTM 29oct04 Fix"Prev" should not link to the ui-overview. "Next" is linked to a non-existent page.
