Requirements inspection testing, creatinganewsimplelesson.html

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.2STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2P1STM 29oct04 FixLogging in is not something that has to happen at the initital instructor interface.  They can log in at any time.
2.2P2STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2I1STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2P3STM 29oct04 FIX"quizes" should be quizzes
2.2P4STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2I2STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2P5STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2I3STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2P6STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2I4STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2P7STM 29oct04 FixConnect pages is now on the Lesson menu (not Edit menu)
"dialoge" should be dialogue
2.2I4STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2P8STM 29oct04 Fix"scorll" should be scroll
2.2P9STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2I5STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2P10STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2I6STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.2P11STM 29oct04 Fix"Deatils" should be Details
2.2P12STM 29oct04 FixIt seems like we have a preview option to look at a completed tutorial instead of just "opening" it
2.2 FooterSTM 29oct04 FixThe "Up" link points to itself.
