Requirements inspection testing, quiz.html 

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.3.3P1STM 29oct04 Fix  I don't know if we need a picture of the initial window. It makes sense, but then pretty much all the sections should have this same picture and that might be a little redundant.
2.3.3I1STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3P2STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3I2STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3P3STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3P4STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3P5STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3P6STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3P7STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3I3STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3P8STM 29oct04 FixAre you sure you want Quiz Options under edit.  They might get buried with all the standard edit function (like cut/copy/paste/undo/redo/etc.).  The ui-overview needs to be updated with any changes you make to the menu layout.
2.3.I4STM 29oct04 FixImage link seems to be broken
2.3.3P9STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3I5STM 29oct04 FixImage link seems to be broken.
Picture is labeled as Figure 4 but should be Figure 5
2.3.3P10STM 29oct04 Fix"grey" is more of a British spelling.  I'm more use to "gray" (but this is not a big deal)
2.3.3I6STM 29oct04 FixImage link seems to be broken.
Picture is labeled as Figure 4 but should be Figure 6
2.3.3P11STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3I7STM 29oct04 FixImage link seems to be broken.
Picture should be labeled Figure 8
2.3.3P11STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.3 FooterSTM 29oct04 Fix Prev" should not link to the ui-overview. "Next" is not linked.
