Requirements inspection testing, roadmap.html 

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
 STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P1STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1I1STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P2STM 29oct04 FixConnect Page is now under the Lesson menu
2.3.1I2STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P3STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1I3STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P4STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1I4STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P5STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1I5STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P6STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1I6STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P7STM 29oct04 Fix"discribed" should be described
2.3.1I7STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P8STM 29oct04 DONEFix spelling errors: availiable suitible recieves respectivly availiable accessable respectivly
2.3.1P9STM 29oct04 DONE"availiable" should be available
2.3.1I8STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P10STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1I9STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P11STM 29oct04 DONE 
2.3.1P12STM 29oct04 DONEFix spelling errors: sequentually eaxample priorly priorly
