Requirements inspection testing, RemoteDesktop.html

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.5.2 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.5.2P1 EGM 11nov04 FIX "Remote desktop" change to "Remote Desktop"
fix any other capitilization errors in the page too
2.5.2P2 EGM 11nov04 FIX "select" change to "selects"
period at the end of the sentence
2.5.2I1 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.5.2P3 EGM 11nov04 FIX "remote controlled" change to "remotely controlled"
2.5.2P4 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.5.2P5 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.5.2I2 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.5.2P6 EGM 11nov04 FIX "This will be shown later, once other parts of the interface are made closer to finished." -this sentence sucks
2.5.2P7 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
