Requirements inspection testing, lessonauthoring.html

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.3 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.1P1 EGM 11nov04 FIX "Note that the sections differ in the starting point of which the instructor is currently at to signify and clarify all aspects of tutorial authoring." -atrocious grammar
2.1P2 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.1A1 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.1A2 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.1A3 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.1A4 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.1P3 EGM 11nov04 FIX "instructor" change to "instructor's"
