Requirements inspection testing, roadmap.html

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.3.1 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1P1 EGM 11nov04 FIX "a instructor" change to "an instructor"
2.3.1P1 EGM 11nov04 FIX "Introductory To COnditionals 3" change to "Introductory To Conditionals 3"
2.3.1A1 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1A2 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1A3 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1P2 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1A4 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1I1 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P3 EGM 11nov04 FIX "page page" change to "page"
"menu bar" change to "menubar"
2.3.1A5 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1P4 EGM 11nov04 FIX "page page" change to "page"
"menu bar" change to "menubar"
2.3.1I2 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P5 EGM 11nov04 FIX "The "Local" tab currently in the "Pages" directory," -comma after "tab"
..and another comma before "respectively"
2.3.1A6 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1A7 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1P6 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1I3 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P7 EGM 11nov04 FIX "The page "Introductory To Conditionals" page appears as" -make up your mind
2.3.1A8 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1P8 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1I4 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P9 EGM 11nov04 FIX "It contains "Name" text field" change to "It contains a "Name" text field"
"There the sever where the CSTutor is located is supplied by the instructor." -what?
comma before "respectfully"
"and account information please refer to" -comma after information
that last sentence is too big. make it into two smaller ones.
2.3.1A9 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1A10 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1P10 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1I5 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P11 EGM 11nov04 FIX 'and/or "Password" ,the "Invalied Account Information"' -move the comma to where it should be.
"Invalied" change to "Invalid"
2.3.1I6 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P12 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1P13 EGM 11nov04 FIX "The instructor presses the "Log In" button, the "Log In" dialog closes" change to "The instructor presses the "Log In" button, and in response the "Log In" dialog closes"
"displays" change to "displayed"
2.3.1I7 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P14 EGM 11nov04 FIX "COnditionals" change to "Conditionals"
"appears as Figure 8." change to "appears as shown in Figure 8."
2.3.1I8 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P15 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1I9 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P16 EGM 11nov04 FIX "in which the instructor is currently in." -don't end sentences with a preposition
2.3.1P17 EGM 11nov04 FIX 'and "Introductory To Conditionals 3" respectfully as in FIgure 10.' -you need a comma before and after respectively
"FIgure 10" change to "Figure 10"
2.3.1I10 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P18 EGM 11nov04 FIX "...please refer to Section 2.4.3 Designing a Quiz and for.." change to "...please refer to Section 2.4.3 Designing a Quiz. For..."
2.3.1P19 EGM 11nov04 DONE  
2.3.1I11 EGM 11nov04 FIX Change figure display to conform to our group standard.
2.3.1P20 EGM 11nov04 FIX "window and roadmapping" change to "window, and roadmapping"
