AllSyntax is an internet website hosting many tutorials for a variety of programming languages. It is a lot like the CSTutor in that AllSyntax provides a general structure for tutorials, which are then written and published by various independent authors. Here are some of the features of AllSyntax that stood out:

Good Features of AllSyntax

•AllSyntax may be described as a “library” of different tutorials, by different authors. The tutorials are compiled and published by AllSyntax in a clear and easily manageable manner
•AllSyntax provides a general structure for the tutorials, while leaving the content of the tutorial completely up to the author
•Each tutorial begins with an introduction, explaining the content/goal of the tutorial followed by any background information necessary
•Each tutorial contains a text box containing editable example segments of code.
•The site gave the user the ability to rate the tutorial, giving feedback to the author
•A 'view entire tutorial’ option eliminates separate pages
•The tutorials display clear headings indicating the current topic of discussion
•The site provides examples of complete programs
•The site provides a list of “helpful tools”
•The site proides a chatroom, where users can discuss and ask questions about tutorials
•The site provides a bulletin board where questions/comments may be posted

Bad Features of AllSyntax

•The site makes it difficult to navigate to other pages of a tutorial, or to a different tutorial, without the user having to retrace steps or lose his/her spot
•Information elsewhere in the site cannot be accessed without losing one’s spot
•The tutorials are not very engaging. The pages are very bland and uninteresting

Missing Features of AllSyntax

•Hyperlinks to different sections of the tutorial might be useful if the user needed to quickly look up a specific piece of information.
•The tutorial does not provide any opportunities for the user to write and run his/her own code and be given feedback.
•The user does not have the ability to contact the author for questions/comments/complaints
•A library of vocabulary would be useful
•A “road map” type index, displaying the layout of the lessons in flow-chart style

Due mainly to the fact that AllSyntax’s general structure is very similar to what is needed for the CSTutor, the site was very helpful in providing and generating ideas for the CSTutor, both through features it had, and those it didn’t.