1.5.3 HowStuffWorks.com


HowStuffWorks.com is a free internet site dedicated to teaching anyone interested about just everything they can name. Although it is impossible to examine the instructor’s perspective on this tool, this study will examine the student’s perspective.


Good Features:

  1. Searchable Database
  2. Provides printable pages
  3. Well Organized
  4. Wide Range of Topics
  5. Provides the ability to jump between pages within a topic
  6. Links to other sites within HowStuffWorks.com that are related
  7. Step by Step Explanation


Bad Features:

  1. Not very specific about any one subject.
  2. Multitudes of subjects can make it hard to find a specific one.
  3. Overrun by Commercial Ads
  4. Most topics are fairly short
  5. Restarts tutor at beginning each time


Missing Features:

  1. Test/Quiz to test understanding
  2. Measure of Progress
  3. Instructor Access