2.1.1. Instructor View


Figure 1 shows an expanded view of the command menu bar when the user log in is an instructor.

Figure 1.

The File menu contains typical items for manipulating data files. 'File New Tutorial' creates an empty tutorial starting with an empty roadmap. 'File Open' opens an existing tutorial from a previously saved file, displaying the roadmap. 'File Close' closes the current active tutorial. 'File Save' saves the active tutorial with the same file name that was used to open it. 'File Save As' also saves the active tutorial, but allows the user to specify a new file name. 'File Export' allows the user to export the active tutorial to the remote server, logging on as a professor is required. 'File Exit' exits the program.

The Edit menu contains tools used to manipulate tutorial data while editing. 'Edit Undo' undoes the most recently completed editing action. 'Edit Redo' undoes the most recent Undo command. 'Edit Cut' copies the selected item to the clipboard while clearing it from the tutorial. 'Edit Copy' does the same action except the selected item is not removed from the tutorial. 'Edit Paste' inserts the most recently cut or copied item from the clipboard. 'Edit Duplicate' will copy the entire lesson to the clipboard. 'Edit Delete' will clear the entire lesson from the tutorial. 'Edit Quiz Options' will open a dialog box of quiz options that can be modified.

The Add menu contains tools used in inserting new components in to the current tutorial. 'Add Page' inserts a new page into active tutorial. 'Add Quiz' inserts a new quiz into the active tutorial. 'Add Image' inserts a new image into the active lesson or quiz. 'Add HTML' allows the user to insert HTML text into the active page in the active tutorial. 'Add Link' inserts a new Link between pages. 'Add Code' inserts Java code into the active tutorial. 'Add Quiz Question' inserts a new quiz question into the active quiz. The next three commands insert a different type of question into the active quiz page. 'Add Code' inserts a new Java code question into the active quiz. 'Add Text Answer' inserts a new text answer into the active quiz. 'Add Multiply Choice' inserts a new multiple choice question into the active quiz.

The View menu contains different viewing options for viewing the active tutorial. 'View Roadmap' displays the roadmap for the active tutorial. 'View Page Preview' displays a preview of the active page. 'View Quiz Scores' displays the quiz scores window. 'View Statistics' displays the statistics window. 'View Chat' logs the user onto the chat room for the active lesson.

The Admin menu contains options for administrators. 'Admin Add User' adds a new user to the system. 'Admin Remove User' removes a user from the system. 'Admin Add Class' adds a new class to the system. 'Admin Remove Class' removes a class from the system.