1.5 Related Systems


Other well-known and widely used programs and systems similar to the CSTUTOR include


The goal of the CSTUTOR is to provide online help for students of CS classes by allowing instructors to create and post tutorials and manuals of class material.


The researched related systems all have features or qualities inherent in the CSTUTOR, though the CSTUTOR’s functionality will exceed these other systems in several ways.  Functionality of the CSTUTOR not found in any of the above systems include:

a.       individualized tutorials that identify, and help the student where needed by adjusting the tutorial to meet the student at his/her level of         knowledge/expertise

b.      greater flexibility for the instructor to edit, add to, and create new tutorials


A detailed review of each related tool may be found in the following subsections:

·        howstuffworks website review

·        CodeWarriorU website review

·        IBM developerworks review

·        Allsyntax website review

·        Java Tutorial review

·        Java Sun tutorial review


A comparison matrix following these reviews provides a visual summary of the features in each tool.