2.1.2. Student View


Figure 1 shows an expanded view of the command menu bar when the user log in is a student.

Figure 1.

'File Open' opens an existing tutorial from a previously saved file, displaying the roadmap. 'File Close' closes the current active tutorial. 'File Exit' exits the program.

The Edit menu contains tools used to manipulate tutorial data while editing. 'Edit Copy' copies a selected item to the clipboard and the selected item is not removed from the tutorial.

The View menu contains different viewing options for viewing the active tutorial. 'View Roadmap' displays the roadmap for the active tutorial. 'View Quiz Scores' displays the quiz scores window. 'View Statistics' displays the statistics window. 'View Chat' logs the user onto the chat room for the active lesson.

The Help menu contains information to help a user. 'Help FAQ' displays the FAQ page. 'Help Ask A Question' allows the user to ask a question in the FAQ page.