2.4.1 CSTutor-Specific Tags

Before using the CSTutor application, the user must generate the pages for a new Lesson. Using its editor of choice, the user generates one html file for each page of the Lesson. These pages contain special expanded tags which are used to represent features provided by CSTutor.

These tags are:

<xtag resource key='KeyString'>Resource</xtag>

<xtag link key='KeyString'/>

<xtag codeblock key='KeyString'>codeInitial</xtag>

A resource key allows an object to be uniquely identified with CSTutor. This allows links to different places inside of the application to know where to go and work correctly. These keys may also identify Code Blocks and links. The only thing a resource key contains is a unique identifier

A link allows a link to be placed to another page inside of CSTutor. Placing a link on a page will allow a user to click on that link and be taken to another page. A link contains the path to another page.

A Code Block is a section which the user may enter data into, build, and run the entered date. The results will be displayed in a second section of the Code Block. The Code Block tag will consist of a value, which is the initial code in the block, and a key, which is the identifier of that Code Block