2.7.2 Index Management

This section details the creation of courses and classes. To create a course the administrator  chooses the 'New -> Course' command from the Course menu item. In response the system displays the dialog shown in Figure 272-1. The entry box in the dialog is a one line string that is the course name. If more boxes are desired the user can select the Add More button, the system responds by adding one more entry box, if five boxes are added a slide bar becomes visible which can be used to view all of the boxes, this is seen in Figure 272-2.

Figure 272-1

To clear all of the data entry fields, the administrator can select the Clear button. To exit the dialog, the Exit button can be pushed.

Figure 272-2

In Figure 272-2 the user has entered six course names, to create these courses the administrator selects Create. In response the system displays the dialog shown in Figure 272-3.

In this interface, the administrator adds teachers to a specific Course, thereby creating a class under that course heading. In the left most data view, the courses created in the previous dialog can be seen.

Figure 272-3

To add an instructor, the administrator selects the 'Add Instructor...' button. In response the dialog shown in Figure 272-4 is displayed.

Figure 272-4

In Figure 272-5 the administrator has entered an Instructors Login.

Figure 272-5

To add them as an instructor the administrator clicks  Add. The system responds by displaying the updated interface shown in Figure 272-6.

Figure 272-6

The 'Add Permissions...' button brings up a dialog that allows the administrator to add who has permission to view each individual class. These permissions default to everyone being allowed to view them, but can be more selective. Permissions are covered in more detail in section 2.7.3. Once the instructor is finished creating courses and their attendant classes, they select Finish and the system  responds by closing the dialog.