        <ol type=I>
            <li> <sd type="s">Scheduling</sd> details for the <sd>first two weeks</sd>.
            <ol type=A>
                <li> <sd>First day</sd>'s activities:
                <ol type=1>
                    <li> In lecture:
                    <ol type=a>
                        <li> Tour of syllabus and other handouts.
                        <li> <sd reg="$/ general SE Concepts">Introduction</sd> to the software system life cycle and requirements analysis.
                    <li> In lab:
                    <ol type=a>
                        <li> Choice of project teams and projects.
                        <li> <sd reg="Preparation/Prep">Preparation for initial customer interviews</sd>.
                <li> <sd>Second day</sd>'s activities <sd>(Wednesday):</sd>
                <ol type=1>
                    <li> <sd>Initial customer interviews</sd>, possibly in both lecture and lab.
                    <li> If necessary to provide ample interview time, there will be <sd reg="$/(perhaps)">no normal lecture</sd>
                    on the second day.
                <li> <sd>Third day</sd>'s activities <sd>(Friday):</sd>
                <ol type=1>
                    <li> Normal lecture.
                    <li> <sd reg="Introduction/Intro">Introduction to project repository and CVS</sd>.
                <li> Second week and beyond:
                <ol type=1>
                    <li> Normal lectures.
                    <li> Lab meetings as described in syllabus.