6.9 Remote.rsl
* The following is the objects and operations for Remote viewing
object WebView is
components: xhtml;
description: (* The web view is different from what is seen in eClass because it only shows valid xhtml tags *);
end WebView;
operation ViewOnBrowser is
inputs: LectureTextXML;
outputs: WebView;
description: (* Inputs the raw lecture and the output is the lecture viewed on a web browser *);
precondition: (* The LectureTextXML is a valid raw lecture with appropriate tags in place. Must have all raw lecture elements in proper places *);
postcondition: (* Valid raw lecture tags will display information on web browser screen *);
end ViewOnBrowser;
operation ViewOnEclass is
inputs: eClass, LectureFileName;
outputs: MainView;
description: (* This allows viewer to choose the lecture they want to view and view using the eClass program in order to use all features the program offers *);
Precondition: (* LectureFileName is a valid string and contains the proper file name and the eClass program is properly loaded *);
Postscondition: (* Lecture is viewable in MainView and all other features of the eClass program are available for the user *);
end ViewOnEclass;
operation ViewRawFile is
inputs: RawXML;
outputs: RawLecXML;
description: (* This allows the instructor to re-view the lecture in the raw lecture format to make any changes or additions *);
precondition: (* RawXML file is not empty and can be viewed *);
postcondition: (* RawLecXML is viewed in same format as it was created initially *);
end ViewRawFile;