2.5.5. Changing Detail Depth

To change the detail depth quickly between more than one level of detail, an instructor clicks and drags the detail depth slider. Upon release of the slider, the system opens all outline elements down to that depth and hides all the elements below that depth. The branches at the selected detail depth are expanded to show their contents. The contents are disabled (not shown.) The system generates the slide breaks and selects the slide that contained either the last active outline element (the last outline element clicked by an instructor to be shown) or the root element if no element has been clicked.

To show the next deepest detail depth, an insthetructor clicks on the "show next detail depth" button. In response, the system sets the detail slider to the next deepest detail depth and acts as though the instructor released the slider.

To hide the deepest detail depth, an instructor clicks on the "hide deepest detail depth" button. In response, the system sets the detail slider to the next highest detail depth and acts as though the instructor released the slider.

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