Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
1.5.2 JBL 07dec06 DONE
1.5.2 P1 JBL 07dec06 DONE
1.5.2 P2 JBL 07dec06 FIX Replace "appreaching" which should be "approaching."
1.5.2 P3 JBL 07dec06 FIX In the fourth bullet you open ()'s but never close them. Under simple interaction layout, take out the word "with" after ()'s. Also some bullents are missing a period at the end.
1.5.2 P4 JBL 07dec06 FIX Missing periods at the end of bullents.
1.5.2 P5 JBL 07dec06 DONE
1.5.2 P6 JBL 07dec06 DONE Again missing periods at the end of bullets.
1.5.2 NAV JBL 07dec06 FIX Missing links for "prev" and "next".