Slide Mode

Slide mode is best described as the classic "PowerPoint" type presentation, containing a collection of static slides of topics. These slides are pre-defined as the presentation is loaded and do not change throughout the presentation. Slide breaks can be automatically generated, manually placed, or be a combination of the two.

Slide Preservation

Slides by default can only have a pre-defined amount of topics displayed at a time. In order to display more topics without spanning multiple slides Slide Preservation tags can be used. Details on the HTML tags needed refer to section 2.2.3.

Using the Slide Preservation tag defines a set of topics to display at a single time. A scrollbar may become visible if the topics do not all fit on the screen at the same time. Navigation remains the same regardless of Slide Preservation.

In this scenario the user creates a simple preservation example. First the user enters the slide tags shown in Figure

Figure Slide tags entered in the editor

EClass generates the slides taking into account any of the tags entered by the user. In this example, only three topics can fit on a page at a time. The user placed the slide tags around five topics, so a scroll bar will be added to the screen to allow for all the topics to be on a 'single' slide, shown in Figure

Figure Scroll bars added for preserved topics

The remaining topics are then placed on the following slides, using automatic slide breaking to split up topics. Figure displays the next slide, with no scroll bar present.

Figure Next slide after preservation

Slide Breaks

Slide Breaks are used to define manual partitions of topics. Topics outside of Preservation tags are automatically divided into slides based on the currently amount of topics possible to display on the screen at a time. Manually Slide Breaks are then added in to further divide topics into new slides. This feature can be used to create padding between different topics.

In this scenerio the user places a slide break tag after the first topic, show in Figure This should force the placement of a slide break here, pushing the rest of the topics to the next slide.

Figure Slide break tag

EClass will see this slide break and force the creation of a new slide. This behavior can be seen in Figure, where only the one topic is seen on the screen.

Figure Manual break buffering topics

The topics following a manual slide break are treated normally, with automatic slide breaks placed. Figure displays the next slide.

Figure Next slide with automatic slide breaks

Slide Title

Slide Titles can also be defined which act as a common header among all slides. If a title is specified, all slides will display this same title, useful for a common title or ownership. Figure displays an example slide title.

Figure Slide title example

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