The 'Open.' option allows the user to open an EHTML or presentation file within the EClass program. In response to selecting the open option the EClass program displays a winodw containing a tree representing the file structure of the program. Once the user navigates to the correct location the 'Open' button within the winodw causes the EClass program to open to file.
The 'Close' option allows the user to close the current file and return the the initial start-up screen for the EClass program. If there are unsaved changes Eclass prompts the user to save them.
2.7.3 Save
The 'Save' option allows the user to save any changes made to the current file. If the file has not been saved before see 2.7.4 Save As...
2.7.4 Save As...
The 'Save As...' option allows the user to save the current file as another name. In respose to selecting this option the EClass program displays a window containing a tree representing the file structure of the computer. Once the user navigates to the correct location and names the file selecting the 'Save' button causes the EClass program to save a copy of the current file to the location speficied by the user.
2.7.5 Print
The 'Print' option allows you to print the current file in the EClass program. In response to selecting the Print option, the EClass program display the printing options and configurations apporiate for the situation. Once the user is satisfied with the printing options pressing "Print" cause the current file to be sent to the printer.
2.7.6 Exit
The 'Exit' option closes the Eclass program. If there are unsaved changes Eclass prompts the user to save them.