Blackboard is an electronic classroom management system for use mainly in the
case of distance education.
Good Features:
- Chat capability with another student or in a room
- Assignments section to view upcoming and missed assignments
- Course Content sections which holds links to files such as syllabi and
- Internal E-mail system between students and teacher
- Files are uploadable from the user's computer in the context of assignments,
rather than E-mails
- "My Files" section for storing user's files on system
- Has a class roster section and a separate users section
- Discussion forums for discussing class topics in a non-linear fashion
Bad Features:
- Grade page is inconsistent with scores received on assignments
- E-Mail system's address book is not able to be organized and separated
between instructors, TAs, students
- Class Roster section and Users section are redundant; both should be
implemented in the same section
Missing Features:
- Slideshow capability not present
- Private group creation not possible
- Instructor not given real-time control over lecture material
- Interface not customizable
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