The eClass is comprised of two separate application programs. The student program runs on all the computers in a dedicated classroom for eClass, or on a student's home computer who wishes to watch the lecture remotely. The professor program runs on the professor's computer in the dedicated eClass classroom.
In both the professor and student applications, the main objects are all forms of widgets. They all have some similar functionality in that they can be opened, closed, resized, and moved around the screen. The central focus of the eClass is the lecture, which is represented by HTML. This HTML is marked up by the lecture creator to have page breaks and expandable and collapsible headings. The roster object should be straightforward, it merely manages a data structure of a class, and facilitates direct communication between the instructor and individual students. The notepad and layers simply manage text and images associated with specific slides/pages.
The most difficult interaction will likely be that between the expanding/ collapsing headers and the drawing tool. The drawings need to be in some way associated with specific states of the headers, and need to be shown or hidden accordingly.
The eClass tool will need to be sending lots of data to lots of machines in real time, so the developers will need knowledge of efficient real time data transfers. It is recommended that the chosen language is one with a large selection of libraries, as there is a great deal of applications talking to one another, as well as somewhat complicated image manipulation (referring mostly to the interaction between headers and layers noted above).