This page contains information on the more general characteristics of the eClass application. It covers relevant topics that have not been discussed in section 2 of the requirements but should not be overlooked. These topics are the reliability, security, portability and simplicity of the eClass application.
The eClass application should be extremely reliable. It should not crash due to any errors within the application, such as invalid inputs from the user. Obviously, there are certain errors that are beyond the control of the application, such as OS level errors, but for the most part there the application should be extremely reliable. If the application were to spontaneously crash, the students and instructors would not have a chance to save the notes that they have been taking. These notes could be from a two or three hour class session. In the case of any controllable error the eClass will output some type of error message, and allow the user to save all work before quitting the application.
The eClass will keep all information about a user completely private with the only exception being the user's name. If the eClass must store any other information about a user from their Cal Poly account, such as a password or ID number, the information will always be stored in securely encrypted files and will not be released to any other user for any reason other than with permission from the user to whom the information pertains.
In addition to keeping all user information private, all layers drawn and notes taken by a user will be kept private on that users machine unless the user chooses to share the information. Instructors will not have access to students private notes or layers, and vice versa. Notes and layers will only be shared with the consent of the user that creates them.
For both students and instructors, the main eClass application will not require any special portability. It will be designed specifically to run on the machines in Cal Poly's computer labs.
The version of the eClass for online attendance from at home should be more portable. At a minimum, it should be compatible with the most Windows XP, all more recent versions of Windows operating system, and Mac OSX. It would also be nice to include Linux compatibility, although not necessary. It might be best to design this portion of the eClass as a web application to maximize portability and eliminate the need to install a standalone application.
The eClass should be very simple to use. It is designed so that all of the more complicated features, such as the advanced lecture creature with expanding topics, are optional. The application needs to be intuitive enough for students to easily adapt to, so no essential features should be too complicated for a layperson to easily learn to use. A steep learning curve would inhibit learning, essentially defeating the purpose of the application.